Services for Students with Learning Disorders

Bocconi University is committed and will be increasingly so in the future, to pursuing its main research and training objectives in an environment (physical and intellectual) in which everyone receives and offers others equal opportunities, dignity and treatment. That is why it is investing increasing resources so that all talented and deserving students can enroll in and attend its programs.
Over the years a detailed system of funding opportunities, financial aid and services has been developed for every kind of student.

In pursuance of inclusion, personalized support and services are available to people with learning disorders, to ensure their participation in academic activities.

For support with lessons and exams, students with learning disorders can contact Academic Services. Requests are evaluated and adequate compensatory/exemption measures are assigned on the basis of specific needs.
These may include the opportunity to use extra time, the option of completing exams only in oral or written form or the chance to use a computer, etc.
Contacts: B in Touch, EXAMS, Disability & Special needs

Sensus Access is a tool that can automatically convert documents and web pages into a range of alternative and accessible formats.

The Learning Needs Help Desk service is designed to offer each student with learning needs the chance to receive specialized counseling customized to their own situation. The desk will offer students with learning needs an opportunity to learn more about the way their brain works, become fully aware of their cognitive resources, and receive hands-on tips on how to optimize their study methods given their unique situation and needs.